Our Core Principles

Trust Through Verification
Our products must be auditable by anyone, ensuring it reliably protects users’ privacy through transparency and verifiable integrity.

Ensure User Continuity
In the event of company closure, product discontinuation, or undesirable modifications, users must have the ability to recreate and maintain the product independently.

Foster Community Collaboration
We actively encourage community engagement, fostering collective innovation, improvement, and the sharing of knowledge and expertise. We aim to hire the most talented individuals whenever possible to enhance our capabilities.

Be Technology Neutral
Our products should support a wide range of technologies and hardware platforms, ensuring compatibility across diverse hardware, software, and protocols.

Provide Documentation
All work must include detailed documentation, enabling others to replicate, modify, and contribute.

Right to Modify and Derive
Users have the right to modify the products and create derivative works, with the freedom to distribute these modifications under the same open terms we use.  We ask that you contribute your work back to the project & community.

Sustainable Profitability
Profit helps attract talented folks and drive innovation. When necessary we may follow a Delayed Open Source model such that FutureProofHomes stays ahead of the curve.

Responsible Technology Use
We recognize the societal impact of powerful technologies and approach their development with caution. Our focus is on ensuring these innovations enhance the well-being and autonomy of individuals and communities.